Friday, September 20, 2013

The Morning Hours

The morning hours are the greatest hours. Everything is calm and everything is quiet, if anything you hear the gentle hum of cicadas or the subtle tremble of a leaf where an animal has past. There is a warmth to this, each nostalgic breeze that reminds you of growing up, the smell of autumn of pumpkins and cooling weather of fallen leaves and 'the road less traveled'. Everything has a smell, every season, every emotion, every feeling all come with a distinct marvelous smell.

It's beautiful to walk at night, to feel as though you've lived forever. As though you and this incredible peace are the only things living. The world renews every night, flushes all the toxins that it can, all the waste we produce because we do produce a lot and now it has the chance to be simple, free. Freedom isn't even the best word but if it is, it's an unsurpassed kind of free a freedom I don't have words for just feelings and smells and sounds.

Take the opportunity, go outside...just sit don't take a phone, ipad whatnot. Just take your body and your emotions, that mind we have is more complex, unstoppable, more beautiful than any device with a screen, any phone, anything that thinks for us and so many people have forgotten that it's there. You're free in your head, that is your freedom your inimitable, incomparable, unparalleled, beautiful, beautiful freedom. So take the time to acknowledge it, revel in it. Learn to love and treasure what's yours and never let it leave you.

I've attached my favorite fall song, I highly recommend listening to it, it truly is beautiful.

Sliding Down - Edgar Meyer, Bela Fleck, Mike Marshall

Until next time,


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